Friday, April 9, 2010

It's The Ultimate Blog Party Time

Ultimate Blog Party 2010

Well, I am a little late for this party, as I visited other blog sites I kept seeing this blog party banner, so I decided to Join the party.

If you are just joining us welcome to Tickles & Tots. A little about me - I am a CSAHM, I have 3 children ages 6, 4 and 3 months. I am married to a wonderful man who loves me dearly for 10 years. We are a homeschooling, organic eating, frugal, Christian family who loves life. I love to write, laugh, sing, dance and spend time with my family. This is a place where I can meet and talk to other fellow moms and bloggers. I have been a sahm for almost 7 years and I am loving almost every minute of it. I wouldn't change it for the world. I am however adjusting to life with 3 kids. So come along and enjoy the ride as I talk about my journey to sweet serenity on a daily basis, because some days it just doesn't happen.

Now on with the prizes...

Grand Prize provided by Toshiba Laptop

Be My Guest provided by: Hilton Garden Inn
and bloggintonoggin

$100 Gift Certificate to provided by: Stompermom

also 19, 73, 61, 79, 87, 95, 105 and 112.


  1. Welcome to the UBP! Better late than never, right? You will have an amazing week; it's so much fun. Your blog is beautiful. We are homeschoolers as well. Great meeting you!

  2. Just popping in from the Ultimate Blog Party to say hi! Have a wonderful and blessed weekend!

  3. Stopping from the party! Love your layout!

  4. Just spending some time visiting all the great blogs. I have small children, too, and enjoy reading other mom blogs.

  5. Blog hopping from the UBP!


  6. its very nice to meet u. Came over from ubp. I seem to blog way too much!! Btw my mom is from the bay area! I absolutely love it there. I wish i still lived there but thats ok, I can still visit. Have u had an in n out burger?? One of the best! Mmm. If you get a chance check mine out.
    both are party of the party!

  7. Hey! Stopping in rom Ultimate Blog PArty!

    Precious blog! I do Business 2 Blogger as well! Love them! Doing a book review today actaully for them!

    Swing by my site. I have a Homemade Gourmet giveaway!

  8. Hi My blogs and store is called Tickles!! We have something in common!

    Happy UBP 2010

  9. Welcome to the UBP! Just came across your blog from 5MFM and dropped in to say hello :).

  10. I'm stopping by from the UBP! It's better to be late than never! Love your beautiful blog.

    If you get a chance, come on by and enter my $50 Amazon gift card giveaway.

  11. Beautiful site. Have a good time partying with UBP10. Stop by if you get a chance And see what we have to help you Stop Drop and Relax. Visit our store at and Prepare To Be Pampered.

  12. Thank you so much for stopping by my blog. I'm so happy to have you as a follower. I hope you can participate in Feminine Friday sometimes with us. Have fun at the party!!!

  13. Welcome to the Party! I too joined in a little late but I guess it's better than never. :) I am also a SAHM and I love every single second. Granted I only have one that's 7 months old. Maybe you can stop by for a visit sometime. It's so nice to meet you and I'm looking forward to following along.

  14. Happy UBP! I'm just stopping by to say HI.

  15. Nice to meet you! Can't wait to check you out more! -Shonda @ Knowlton Nest (

  16. Visiting from the upb ! Hope you'll come by my site

  17. Hey, stopping by from the UBP! Love your blog! You do have your hands full with 3 little ones.

    Check out my blog

  18. What a pretty blog the colors...
    This is such a fun party and I have already met some of the greatest bloggers... I am amazed at all the different and creative blogs. Stop by for a visit...just leave a comment on any of the last few posts on either blog and you are eligible for the GRAND PRIZE $100 GIFT BASKET!

  19. Hi there! Nice to meet you! I'm stopping by from UBP. I enjoyed reading your blog and I will be back for another visit! I love your name too!!
    I am a mom to a little one and another on the way. It's so great to read other mom's blogs.

    I hope you can stop by our blog: is a mom owned newly launched site.

    Have a beautiful day

  20. Hi! I'm @Dayngr on twitter. Love, love, love your blog design. I have two little ones and they are a handful. I can't imagine 3 little ones all at the same time. Whew!

    I've got my Ultimate Blog Party 2010 post up at Dayngrous Discourse along with some giveaways and one of those posts that gives you a little taste of what's it like to have some Dayngr in your life. I hope you'll surf on over, say hello and follow along if the mood strikes you.

  21. Aww how sweet, my mom is a SAHM too.

    If you have the time, could you stop by my website?

    Loving the UBP 2010!

  22. Hi,
    Better late than never. This party is a lot of fun. Nice to meet you. Enjoy the blog hopping - I know I am!

  23. I just thought I'd pop over for a second from UBP to see what your site was like. I'm a CSAHM as well, a little different in lifestyle, but it sounds like our hearts are in similar places. I'll be following you from here on out. :o) My blog is more the "Hi In-laws in Mexico, here's the update so I don't have to call," type of blog. LOL.

  24. Such a pretty site. Glad I found you on UBP10!

  25. Hello from the UBP. I am also a frugal Christian homeschooling mom, though I only eat organic sometimes since my children are eating more all the time! I love your introduction here. Nice to meet you!

  26. Hello, Stopping by via the UBP! Very lovely blog you've got here! I love the name, Tickles and Tots. :)

  27. Glad you made it to the party :) We are currently homepreschooling. It is great to meet you - love your blog's name and design.

  28. Just popping over from UBP! I'm amazed at how many Christian bloggers I'm meeting this way! Can't wait to read more!


I love to hear your thoughts. Your comments are always welcome. Thank you for stopping by!

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