Monday, March 29, 2010

An act of thoughtfulness

A thoughtful act from my daughter.

Today she surprised me and made me lunch. How sweet is that. She loves to have little tea parties and is the perfect little hostess. She made me a sandwich, gave me a brownie and juice.

My daughter likes to help (A lot). Sometimes it is hard to let go of control and allow them to help. She is 6 1/2 and makes sure to add that 1/2, anyway she likes to help with the baby, cooking, laundry or whatever else she can. I am a bit of a perfectionist so I like to have things done a certain way or look a certain way (working on that). I don't mind the help it is just the unsolicited help that gets me. She does a little too much then I have to go behind her and fix it which almost makes double the work.

I am learning to step back and give her a little more responsibility while increasing my patience.

I am amazed at how fast she is growing and I can't believe my baby will be 7 soon. boo hoo - The time just flies by. Enjoy them while you can.

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