Thursday, October 21, 2010

Protecting Our Children Online

We are working on Digital Citizenship for the subject of Technology and how to use the Internet responsibly. Our childrens' safety should be a priority and with all of the recent news of Cyberbullying and all of the information our children have access to, we as parents have to monitor their activities even more whether it is online, mobile, texting, etc. As parents we want to protect them as much as we can- here are a few sites to help teach your children, tweens and teens about Internet safety:

NetSmartzKids Super cute site for kids and parents, with cute games, printables, videos used to teach about online safety  Game zone i.e.: capturing outlaw online bandits, teaching online safety rules, game quests, matching, coloring pages and so much more... Teaching online safety for parents, kids, teens, teachers, law enforcement

NetSmartz Teens  Click on games to access the following:  Interactive site with games, videos, online safety, teaching social networking responsibly, sharing too much information online, Cyberbullying, predators, chat rooms and more...

Here are a few more sites:

Web Wise Kids -

Wired Kids -

Go McGruff -


This is a short list of sites if you have any more you would like to share feel free to leave a comment with additional links. Here's to using the Internet responsibly. I would love to hear your feedback!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Speaking out against Domestic Violence

Domestic violence touches millions – more than seven out of 10 Americans know someone who is or has been a victim – but somehow it still remains a taboo subject.

The Allstate Foundation is asking everyone to Tell a Gal Pal about domestic violence so we can face the issue together during October’s Domestic Violence Awareness Month – and beyond.

Far too often women and young girls do not speak up for fear of embarrassment from their peers. We have no idea the torment and mental anguish that they have to experience on a daily basis. Please do not feel that you have to stay in the situation because you are afraid to step out on your own especially if you have children.

I know a close friend who will not leave because she is afraid. She has 2 little girls and she is pregnant with a third. She feels that her situation will get better, but every time she speaks up or fights back her spouse takes it out on her. She believes that he will change and its not as bad as it seems. She calls me crying saying that she can't take it anymore. I have offered her help, offered my space, provided a number of hot lines and shelter information for battered women, even though she has the information she has not followed through. I am not one to interfere with any one's marriage or relationship, but when you are being physically, mentally and emotionally abused, as her friend all I can do is provide support, a listening ear and call the authorities.

Ladies please tell someone and get help today. The best way to fight Domestic Violence is to speak out about it. Have the courage no matter how hard it is to confide in someone you trust - your best friend, sister, mother, daughter, neighbor, family and anyone who will listen and provide you help and support.  Friends and family if you know someone who is going through this right now please listen and provide help if you can.

For each person who “likes” the Click To Empower! Facebook page, The Allstate Foundation will donate $1 to the National Network to End Domestic Violence (up to $20,000). Click here to go to the Facebook page.

The Allstate Foundation will donate another $1 if you take the pledge to Tell a Gal Pal about domestic violence. As part of the pledge, your photo will be added to the “Faces of Support” gallery to show survivors that they aren’t facing domestic violence alone.
For more information and to find out how to help, visit

 “I wrote this blog post while participating in The Allstate Foundation’s Tell a Gal Pal blogging program with TwitterMoms, making me eligible to get an interview with Cheryl Burke. For more information on how you can participate, click here.”
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